Jinsub Kim
Associate Professor
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Oregon State University, 3011 Kelley Engineering Center, Corvallis, OR 97331
Email: jinsub.kim (at) oregonstate (dot) edu
Research interests: Statistical Inference, Machine Learning, Power System, and Security.
Recent highlights:
J. Kim, "On Optimality of Deterministic Rules in Adversarial Bayesian Detection", IEEE Signal Processing Letters. vol. 29, pp. 757-761, 2022. Click PDF for a PDF copy of the manuscript.
S. Kibria, J. Kim, and R. Raich, "Joint Nonlinear Sparse Error Correction for Robust State Estimation", IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 69, 2021. Here is a link to a PDF copy of the paper.
S. De Silva, J. Kim, E. Cotilla-Sanchez, and T. Hagan, "On PMU Data Integrity under GPS Spoofing Attacks: A Sparse Error Correction Framework", IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 36, no. 6, 2021. Please check the ArXiv version here.
S. De Silva, J. Kim, E. Cotilla-Sanchez, and T. Hagan, "Mitigation of GPS Spoofing Attacks on PMUs via Multi-Period Sparse Error Correction", 2021 IEEE PES General Meeting.
J. Hollis, J. Kim, and R. Raich, “Adversarial Learning via Probabilistic Proximity Analysis”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Toronto, Canada, June 2021.
I served as the co-chair of the Data Analytics and Computation symposium of IEEE SmartGridComm 2020.
Sharmin Kibria (a doctoral student) received a student paper award from IEEE GlobalSIP'2018 for the following paper: S. Kibria and J. Kim, "Joint Sparse Recovery: Does Diversifying Sensing Matrices Help?", IEEE GlobalSIP'2018
Bio: Jinsub Kim received a Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering with minors in Applied Math and Statistics from Cornell University, where he was advised by Prof. Lang Tong. After a brief postdoc at Cornell (Sep 2013 ~ June 2014), he joined Oregon State University in August 2014. Since March 2019, he has been serving as the chair of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Chapter at IEEE Oregon Section. He served as a co-chair of the Data Analytics and Computation symposium of 2020 IEEE SmartGridComm.