
Past and Ongoing Activities

2022 Monthly Lunch Meetings

Date: 11:30am-1pm, first non-holiday Friday of every month during the semester and over the summer (no meetings over breaks)

Location: Gamow Tower, 11th floor, Reading Room

On the first Friday of each month during the semester, we host monthly lunch meetings open to all graduate students, faculty, post-docs, and undergraduates interested in gender inclusion in physics. About half of these meetings feature presentations from various speakers affiliated with the University, while the rest are less formal discussions on relevant themes. Presenters we have hosted at our meetings include the Center for Inclusion and Social Change, the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Community Engagement, researchers from the Psychology Department studying gender identity, the Office of Victim Assistance, the Ombuds office, and Counseling and Psychiatric Services.

STEM Community Happy Hour

Our group has partnered with two other science community-oriented groups, WiSE, and CU Prime, to co-host monthly happy hours for folks in STEM. These events are a great way to meet, get to know, and network with others in STEM in an informal setting. Join us for drinks, appetizers, and good conversation!

Graduate Student Visiting Weekend Dinners

Each year CU hosts two weekends for prospective graduate students to visit the campus. The Women and Gender Minorities in Physics group hosts a dinner during the visiting weekend where prospective underrepresented graduate students are invited to eat dinner and mingle with faculty and current graduate students.

Undergraduate Ice Cream Social

To help support underrepresented undergraduates in physics, the Women and Gender Minorities in Physics group hosts periodic ice-cream socials in which undergraduate students are invited to meet and socialize with graduate students, post-docs, and faculty over a delicious bowl of ice cream.

Undergraduate & Faculty Dinner

To further support the existing undergraduate population, the group has also organized and hosted group dinners in which undergraduate students are invited to join women faculty members for dinner. These dinners help to foster connections women faculty members and interested undergraduate students.

Undergraduate Recruiting

In order to support broader departmental efforts to encourage women and other members of underrepresented groups, the Women and Gender Minorities in Physics group has participated in targeted call sessions for prospective students. In these sessions, volunteers from the group make personal recruitment calls to all women and members of underrepresented groups who have been accepted to CU and declared an interest in physics in order to encourage them to attend CU and answer any questions they might have about the school.

2017 Conference on Undergraduate Women in Physics

The CU Women in Physics group hosted the 2017 Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics on the CU campus from January 13-15. See here for the webpage and check out our photos page!