Ellis Music


Colchester School District works directly with Ellis Music in Bethel, VT. A representative travels to Colchester every Wednesday to take care of school and student instrumental needs. You can contact them through ellismusic.com or by calling (802) 234-6400.

Ordering Materials

Mrs. Desautels has emergency valve oil and reeds (size 2 1/2) only. You can order materials (additional reeds, valve oil, mouthpieces, drum sticks) by phone or email (see above). Have materials sent to CMS and shipping is free!

Repairs and Maintenance

If you are renting an instrument through Ellis Music Company, repairs are covered through your rental. If you own your instrument, Ellis Music will look at instruments in need of repair, and call you first with an estimate. In the meantime, they will have an instrument ready for you to use for the time it is in the shop. Occasionally it can take more than one week for larger or special repairs.