7th Grade Course Prospectus
Community House Middle School
Physical Education
7th Grade Course Prospectus
Early adolescence is a time when children are looking for independence but still need the guidance to find their way. This search for independence creates wonderful opportunities to challenge and motivate them, while still creating a productive and learning environment. Students need the freedom to live and learn with guidelines to keep them on task. The physical education program at Community House Middle School helps students build the foundation that will guide them to grow emotionally, physically and socially in a safe and constructive environment.
Mr. Burch – Physical Education Instructor
Mr. Stone – Physical Education Instructor
Course Content
The learner will demonstrate a competent level of physical activity, sport and fitness literacy. 7th grade will cover the following topics:
Fitness Testing
Goal Setting
General Exercising Information
Major Muscle Groups of the Human Body
Strength Training
Cardiovascular Training
Exercises from Around the World
Jump Rope
Each Student Will Need:
A CHMS PE uniform which consists of a t-shirt, athletic shorts and some kind of athletic shoes (basketball, running, cross training, etc… NO CLEATS) Order forms for PE uniforms will be distributed on the first day of class and the orders will be filled during the second PE/Health class. Additional PE uniforms may be purchased at the school store.
Small clear water bottle
Combination lock
One single subject notebook
Sweatshirts, jackets, sweaters and/or sweatpants when needed
Excuses from Participation in Class
If your child is unable to participate in physical education, a note from a doctor explaining your child’s situation and the doctor’s recommendation for activity is required. This allows us to modify their activity. If a teacher receives a note from a parent, the student will be asked to do the best they can. All students who are unable to participate in class will have an alternative assignment.
Grading Rubric
Students are graded on the following criteria in Physical Education class.
(Please note that CMS Board policy IKE-R now makes passing Health/PE a requirement for promotion.)
Prepare – 20%:
Daily participation grade which includes:
- Arriving to class on time (students who are late to class 3 times will receive a lunch detention; 5 or more tardies will result in a referral).
- Dress out in a CHMS shirt, CHMS shorts and sneakers (students who fail to dress out 3 times will receive a lunch detention; 5 or more times will result in a referral).
- Participate in class activity (including warm-up)
- Demonstrate individual achievement of all skill necessary for the activity or concept.
Rehearse- 30%:
Fitness test (grade is based on participation and showing improvement on test)
Jump Rope Routine
Kickball Tournament
Sport Choice
Perform – 50%:
End of unit assessments
Completion of the fitness log/reflection at home assignment.
All out of class assignment due dates are listed below:
Assignment Due Dates:
Fitness Log Due:
First Quarter: The week of October 23-27
Second Quarter: The week of January 15-19
Third Quarter: The week of March 18-22
Fourth Quarter: The week of May 27-31
We are looking forward to an exciting and challenging quarter with your child. Please feel free to contact us via phone or email or come in to visit at anytime. Just be sure to check in at the main office before visiting. For more information including the fitness journal click on my website listed above in bold: