Dr . Jagadishwari . V, PhD
Professor & HoD
Information Science & Engineering
E-mail ID: jagadishwari.v@cmrit.ac.in
Mobile No: +91-9880674679
Experience (Only for Professors and Associate Professors)
20 years of Teaching and 4.5 years of research experience in the area of Data Mining
Areas of Interest in Teaching
Computer Organization and architecture, Data mining, Machine learning, Deep Learning and Artificial intelligence
Areas of Interest in Research
Data Mining, Machine learning, Social Network Analysis
Publications and Patents
Jagadishwari, V. and Shobha N., 2023, January. Comparative Study of Deep Learning Models for Covid 19 Diagnosis. In 2023 Third International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communication and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
Jagadishwari, V., James, R. and Abraham, R., 2023, August. Research Collaborator Recommendation System based on citations and Influential citations. In 2023 5th International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA) (pp. 1095-1099). IEEE.
Jagadishwari, V. and Ganeshgouda, H., 2023, September. Disaster Tweet Classification Using Machine Learning Model. In 2023 4th International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC) (pp. 1673-1677). IEEE.
Jagadishwari, V. and Shobha N., 2023, December. Deep Learning Models for Covid 19 diagnosis. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2901, No.1). AIP Publishing.
Jagadishwari, V., Lakshmi Narayan, N. and Shobha, N., 2023, December. Empirical analysis of machine learning models for detecting credit card fraud. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2901, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
Shobha, N., Asha, T., Seemanthini, K. and Jagadishwari, V., Rainfall and outlier rain prediction with ARIMA and ANN models.
Jagadishwari, V. and Shobha, N., 2022, February. Sentiment analysis of Covid 19 Vaccines using Twitter Data. In 2022 Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS) (pp. 1121-1125). IEEE.
Jagadishwari V, Indulekha A, Raghu K, Harshini P. Sentiment analysis of Social Media Text-Emoticon Post with Machine learning Models Contribution Title. InJournal of Physics: Conference Series 2021 Nov 1 (Vol. 2070, No. 1, p. 012079). IOP Publishing.
Jagadishwari, V., "Time series Covid 19 Predictions with Machine Learning Models" presented at First international Conference on Emerging Trends in Industry 4.0 19-21, May 2021 Raigarh, Chhattisgarh, India
Jagadishwari, V. "Talkative Friend Algorithm for inferring ties in Social Networks." 2021 Third International Conference on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks (ICICV). IEEE, 2021
Jagadishwari .V , and Sugato Chakrabarty, Link Prediction using Influencer Nodes of a Social Network, published in International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA 2020).
Jagadishwari .V , and Accama I.V , CNJC: A cumulative approach to Link Prediction in Social Netwoks, published in IEEE International Conference on Advances and Communication and Computing- ICACC-2019
Jagadishwari, V., and V. Umadevi , "LCF: A Temporal Approach to Link Prediction in Dynamic Social Networks’ International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol. 16 No. 1, 2018
Jagadishwari, V., and V. Umadevi. "Empirical analysis of community detection algorithms." Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT), 2017 Second International Conference on. IEEE, 2017.
Jagadishwari, V., and V. Umadevi. "Empirical Analysis of Traditional Link Prediction Methods." International Journal of Computer Applications 121.2 (2015).
Jagadishwari, V., and V. Umadevi, NBCD :Neighborhood based Community Detection in Dynamic Social Networks ," IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems - ICCS 2018", 2018
Patents Filed
Battery Comb With Warm Oil Dispenser -IP India
Automated Touch less Door Alarm system with Non contact Temperature sensing and Distance monitoring- IP India
Covid 19 Safety cane for visually impaired- IP India