Mrs. Coy


My name is Sarah Coy. I am so excited for this school year and to watch your students grow. A little bit about myself, I was a gymnast for 10 years. I did competitive gymnasts for 4 years and loved it! I then went on and continued my love of gymnastics at Break the Barriers where I learned about students with all abilities and got the opportunity to travel the world. I also found a love for carpentry this summer and really enjoy building things from scratch.

I received my bachelors degree and credential at National University. I then received my masters degree in instructional and educational technology, also at National University. After completing my bachelors degree and credential at National, I started working at Boris Elementary as an intervention teacher. This gave me a lot of experience helping students learn how to read and use the right strategies to be able to decode words in text. I also worked in Campus Club for 5 years.