Physical Fitness Testing

GIRLS Mile Run Sit-Ups S&R Pull-Up Mod. Pull-up Trunk Lift

Each year Clovis Unified Schools test/assess to see if our students fall within the Healthy Fitness Zone.

Kids will be tested on a variety of tests which will measure their physical capacities in a variety of areas; Flexibility, Abdominal and Upper Body Strength, Body Composition, and Cardiac/Aerobic Capacity. Most classes will do a Pre-Test at the beginning of the year, and in the Spring all the classes will test their classes and the results are submitted to the State of California.

Most of the kids will pass all the tests. The one assessment that possess the most challenge for the kids is the mile run. This one assessment usually determines the school's pass/fail percentage. During the year kids will run/walk various distance to help them improve on their Cardiac Capacities.

Below you'll find all the passing standards for age groups, along with our Superintendent's Standards(85%).

BOYS Mile Run Sit-Ups S&R Pull-Up Mod. Pull-up Trunk Lift

For further information on PFA Testing, you can click on the link below.