Unit 4 - Ecology 2nd Semester

Biome Project Rubric 2019-20.docx
AP Ecology_Patterns & Trends.pptx
HHMI Gorongosa Exploring Biomes Activity.pdf
Beans Capture Recapture Simpson's Diversity and lincoln Index.docx
Population Problems Set 3_S.pdf
Exploring Trophic Cascades Worksheet 2.0.pdf
Limiting Factors.pdf

Homework 1/24/20

Community Interactions PPT

AP Community Interactions.pptx

AP Animal Behavior Lab - Taxis and Kinesis

  1. Friday 1/17/20 Create a written hypothesis / lab design
  2. Friday 1/17/20 Identify your dependent and independent and control variables
  3. Tuesday 1/21/20 Bring your materials and pill bugs, including chamber for keeping
  4. Wednesday 1/22/20 Run pillbug behavior lab.
  5. Friday 1/24/20 Be prepared to explain your data.

Classwork 1/21/20 - Watch Videos linked in powerpoint too!

2019 AP Bio Social Interactions.pptx
01-11-2019 Animal Behavior Lab 2018-19.docx
AP Population Ecology.pptx