8th Grade
Logging onto Edgenuity
Go to Edgenuity.com (do not use the link on clever)
Use your Student ID for your password. This way I can help you retrieve it if you forget it.
You will need to stay busy. For a student who is in this program you will need to complete a total of 15-20 assignments per day total for all of your classes (not just one class but all combined, and you will need to do your own thinking and not copying and pasting.
I will be monitoring your progress and I will be available for help online or via Remind. Please join Remind by going to https://www.remind.com/join/7fd9b8. This will automatically enroll you and you will be able to send messages directly to my phone or my computer.
Parents will also be given a code so they can check their individual child's progress.
As always I am available through district email throughout the school day at chrismcgrady@cusd.com
An additional way to contact me is through Google Classroom. This is not as immediate as Remind though.
Google Classroom Code: https://classroom.google.com/c/MjQ5NDMzMjg0MzI1?cjc=uh6jddn
Do not use the NEXT ACTIVITY button. You will not see all of the assignments. Use the name of the class button. This way you will see more than the one assignment and you will have an idea of what you need to do and how you need to plan.
Below are copies of our Welcome Letter and First Day Zoom Meeting agenda
Welcome to Clovis Online School
2020 – 2021 COVID VERSION
Please print and keep this entire message as it contains a TON of very important information!!
My name is Chris McGrady and I am your Clovis Online Independent Study teacher. You are embarking on a new wave of independent, digital education that will require focus, determination, and most important a ton of self-motivation. Unlike a comprehensive campus you and only you are in control of accessing and working on your daily assignments. You are also required to have a working laptop or desktop with working WIFI. It is strenuously recommended that it not be a shared computer.
Please review the following points. You will be held accountable for them.
___PARENTS AND STUDENT(S) WILL CHECK PERSONAL E-MAIL DAILY. Class Progress, Grades, Concerns, Feedback
__Clovis Online follows a ZERO TOLERANCE PLAGIARISM POLICY: answers, essays & projects taken from Brainly, Quizlet, Mathpix, Fxsolver or any internet site not cited correctly will receive 0%
___I am available to you Monday – Friday from 8:00a.m. – 3:00p.m. All quizzes/tests are released before I leave at 3. After hours availability is at my discretion.
___Logging into Edgenuity daily between 12a.m and 12 noon is mandatory. 5 absences or 10% of total school days attended will result in a Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) referral and possible loss of your work permit. Absences cannot be cleared. You are either present (logged in) or absent (not logged in) (it takes two minutes to login on your phone or computer.)
___I will hold daily zoom meetings where you will need to check into at least one of these meetings for attendance purposes. You will be sent links via email or google classroom to join these meetings.
To Stay on Track You must Follow the COURSE MAP DAILY
Zoom Hours-Daily 9am, 10am, 11am
Office Hours M/W/F 1-2:30pm
Spring Semester 2021
Welcome Back Letter
Welcome Back and Welcome to 2021!
I trust that you all had a wonderful break. Most of this is review for all of you since you were enrolled in Edgenuity courses last semester. With that being said, you will need to do a few things such as adding Remind again and joining our Spring Semester Google Classroom. There are different codes for these for the Spring. I will post these codes at the end of this email and also on my webpage.
By now your current schedule of courses is listed in Edgenuity. I will be your teacher of record for ALL of your Edgenuity courses. If you need help ANY of your classes such as science, or math…please let me know. During this first week back to school, we will need to compare your courses listed in Student Connect to those listed in Edgenuity. They should be the same with your personal info listed correctly.
Our Zoom mtg schedule is a little different this semester. We will have 3 daily check in times at 9am, 10am, and 11am. You can check in during any one of these times. I will also be offering “Office Hours” for extra help on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays from 1-2:30pm. The zoom links to all of these meetings will be the same each day and it is also the same link for the “Office Hours”. All you need to do is just join the meeting using the link. The Office Hours time period is a place where you can join in and ask questions, get help….etc. You do not need to stay the entire time. You may also log in during the Office Hours time just in case you missed the morning meetings for attendance purposes.
Again, welcome back and I look forward to working with you!
Chris McGrady
Recurring Zoom Link (copy this or bookmark it):
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 338 421 9703
Passcode: jpSQh4
Remind Code
Zoom Schedule
Daily (choose any of these) 9am, 10am, 11am
Office Hours
M, W, F 1-2:30pm (use same zoom link above)
Spring Semester Google Classroom Code:
How to Log into your Student Portal on Zangle (Student Connect)
First Day Meeting Points
For Day 1
1. Welcome and Introductions
a. Class info: Welcome letter: Review plagiarism, grading (fill in/short answer/journal/online) content.
a. “School” hours/Attendance-Zoom Mtgs
c. Contact info and “office” hours: Remind/Google Classroom
a. Remind: see attached. Use to send short reminders to parents and students
d. Expectations
2. Log in Information: Edgenuity.com
a. Chrome is the best browser. Try others if Chrome is not working
b. Username and Password-school email/student ID
3. Student Dashboard
1. Class Tile Overview:
b. Progress Bar
c. Average Grade: Does not reflect missing assignments. Will be very low if student falls behind.
d. Course Map:
i. Dates/Click on Purple Bar: Transcripts/guided notes
ii. e-notes/progress dashboard/course report
iii. Review Missing Assignment box: Pink box that will show at top of the Course Map
iv. Click on “Hello ___Student name” drop down: Profile: Attendance: Session Log
4. Quizzes/Tests
a. Students get two tries on Quizzes and Tests. If they fail the first attempt, they get a second attempt. If they fail the second, they will be locked out pending teacher review. All students will be locked out after the “practice” or “Test Review” so you can grade the unit work before releasing the test.
b. If a student starts a test the MUST FINISH IT or they will be locked out and you will not be notified.
If you need tutorial help there are tutors available through Edgenuity. See below:
Concept Coaches are available 7 days per week, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm EST, Saturday from 11:00 am to 7:30 pm EST, and Sunday 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm EST. Hours may vary based on student needs Click on the Student Support button to contact a Concept Coach. It is embedded into each lesson labeled "Tutor help".
Helpful hints and tips on how to navigate and succeed will be sent out periodically to students. Latest tip sent out was a video regarding "How to Pass a Quiz Retake". Watch if you haven't already done so!!!! Very helpful .
Where can I find the Student Orientation Video?
Link: https://www.edgenuity.com/video-library/?vid=5978276525001
How do I contact my Home Room Teacher when I have issues?
Email directly:
You should have a Zoom time set up daily to check in with your Home Room teacher. They are posting attendance and student engagement daily for parents to access in Parent Connect.
I have a tough time staying organized… where do I start?:
Start with your calendar view! This will show you the daily assignments, keep you on track. And let you know what you need to complete to catch up.
To do this, click on the title of the course on the first page (NOT “next activity”).
How do I know if I am on target to complete my course on time?
Your course title will show progress and it’s color-coded!
Blue is on track, and Green is ahead!
Red is bad… you’re behind and need to catch up
How do I know my grade percentage?:
Pay attention to your “ACTUAL GRADE”. This takes into consideration your scores with your progress (ahead, behind, on track) in the class. This is the score that will be reported for your 6week, 12week, & semester grade reports.
Do I need to take notes?:
Up to you! You can take paper/pencil notes on your own or use the E-notes within Edgenuity. It is helpful taking notes of the vocabulary to help you when responding to journal activities and written answers. Notes come into play when you fail a quiz. You will only be given additional quizzes attempts if you can show that you have taken notes on the lectures AND the failed quizzes. To review a quiz you can click on the failed Quiz % and it will take you to the actual quiz for you to review the questions, your answers, and the correct responses.
When do you release topic tests?:
You will be working in these 6 courses all semester. We will unlock tests at appropriate dates so that you will complete your course on time. The program gives us an alert when you have a test to unlock. Most teachers will review their Alerts at the beginning of the day and before shutting down at 3:30.
I just completed a written assignment and it says I scored a 0 on it. What did I do wrong? Can I re-do that?
The program initially grades your work. It is looking for the correct use of the vocabulary from the unit. It is also looking for correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. If after all this is considered, I can still go back an grade your response. Just email me and I’ll take a look.
It shows that my assignments and activities are not counted towards my grade, why is that?
Because your grade is calculated by issuing points to assignments you contribute to. Vocabulary and watching a lecture alone, do not accrue points. But the Check-in questions during lectures and review questions along the way do count in your grade so please pay attention. If you get to a check-in and you are unsure of the answer, you can click to the previous section using the orange boxes below the lecture and rewatch the segment.
I just scored a 60% on a test/quiz! Can I retake that?
Yes, you can retake any quiz/test that you score below 70% on. Be sure to review, take notes so you do better on the second attempt. To retake the quiz, if you have only taken it once, find it in your course outline. When you click on it you should see an option to start the 2nd Quiz. If you have already taken the quiz twice and cannot move forward, email me to assign a retake. When you do this, please be prepared to show me your notes from the section. No notes, no retakes.
I have been logging in but it still says I have overdue activities, what does that mean?
All of the Edgenuity work is done as it is assigned to you. Each time you click “next activity”, you must complete that activity to move on to the next one. If ever it suggests that you are behind or that work is overdue, it just means that to finish the class by December 18, or the end of the semester, it has assigned a certain number of activities for you to complete each day. It keeps track of M-F with weekends saved for catching up. There is no late credit in Edgenuity for your completed tasks. You can stay on track by checking your progress reports each day on the dashboard. If the % complete is Green or Blue you are on track to finish on time. If it is red, you need to spend a bit more time on that course to catch up.
Misc. Tips on taking quizzes, always consider testing strategies
i. Eliminate clearly incorrect, too general, or off-topic suggestion
ii. Be aware of the meaning of vocabulary so you understand the question
iii. Read the question carefully to decide, are you choosing only ONE answer or multiple choices that
all fit. Just be aware.
iv. Don’t skip any questions.
v. Realize, you don’t have to be perfect with every answer…use your common sense.
vi. If you do not pass a quiz twice, you must email me and we will have a conversation before you try it a third time. There is no judgment; we are all learning new things. I want to help you and you need to be aware, every question counts.