English 4 L1

Welcome to English 4 L1!

This year is all about you and discovering your voice! We will be studying a variety of texts written by diverse authors to develop our own voice as authors of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and scholarly journals. This course is taught using a thematic lens to assist you with higher-order thinking skills and analytical skills. You will also engage in perfecting active-reading strategies to improve your reading skills and utilize preferred learning styles to tap into your unique intellectual talents! In other words, there will be a lot of choice in our class, so be ready to have fun and flex your skills!

This course focuses heavily on the philosophy that texts aren’t just books - it is a big, complex world out there! In fact, you interact with texts more than ever before in multimodal form. Any time you read a text message, listen to a Podcast, or watch your favorite TikTok influencer, you are engaging with a multimodal text. We will explore the world of multimodal texts together, and we will use them as a tool to enhance our understanding of traditional print texts. You will be provided with many opportunities to engage with multimodal texts and create some of your own!

Writing is also an important component of this course – you will practice writing through the use of multimodal texts, informal journaling and formal assignments that hone argumentative, informative, and general analytical skills. Major written assignments will be added to your cumulative portfolio to provide you with the opportunity to utilize these assignments in the future for your Junior Portfolio. This course will also focus on grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.

Course Essential Questions

  • What is good literature?

  • What makes a piece of writing engaging?

  • What is rhetoric? How can I recognize it in a piece of writing? How can I use it in my own writing to convey my ideas more effectively?

  • Why is it important that I make personal connections to what I read?

  • How do I craft an effective argument?

  • How is our writing inspired by our own life experiences?

  • How are history and literature related?

  • What inspires me?

I look forward to a wonderful school year working with you!

Mrs. Auger