White Balance

What is White Balance?

Tutorials: White Balance

White Balance Explained:  How Cameras Correct the Color of Different Types of Light

Introduction to White Balance

White Balance:  Understanding White Balance in Digital Photography

How to Adjust White Balance

How to Adjust Your Camera's White Balance

How to get White Balance Correct In-Camera - Every Time!

How to Set White Balance - Ken Rockwell

Get Correct White Balance Every Time: A Simple Trick for Amazingly Accurate Color

Using Gray Cards to Balance White

VIDEO - Comparison: 18% Grey card with white balance grey card


You are going to be taking many pictures and turning them in.  In order to keep track of them properly, I have very specific names how I want you to rename them.  Please open and print WhiteBalance.pdf below.  

You will then use a camera and a tripod to take several pictures at various scenes with different white balance settings.

To turn them in, you will first rename the images according to the WhiteBalance.pdf chart.  Then you will create a folder with your last name, and then your first initial, and White Balance.

example:  GolskiWWhiteBalance

Put all of your images into the folder and then turn the folder in with all of the images into the Digital Photography Hand In folder.