Family Wellness Tip

TOPIC: Introduce Your Family to Each Other

Introduce Your Family to Each Other

We may live together BUT that does not mean we know each other. What a better way to learn more about who you live with than introducing them to the rest of your family.

Partner Introductions get family members to know each other in a safe and fun way. People have things that they don't share with others. Sometimes they like to keep things to themselves. Sometimes they just aren't asked. So, ask away and see what you get.

This is a nice thing to open doors with older kids and teens. Talks with kids can be uncomfortable if there isn't a bond already. Starting off small with this activity can help when it comes to harder talks like dating or puberty.

This activity doesn't need to be a 1 time thing and it doesn't need to be done the same way. Keep getting to know each other every week. Ask new questions. Share your coolest fact. Show artwork or project. Be creative. Start getting to know each other!

Introduce Each Other

  1. Choose a partner. (Adult & child OR child & child)

  2. Find a comfortable spot with your partner.

  3. Look at the list of questions and choose 3. Write them down if you need to.

  4. Person 1 asks questions and listens to the answers that person 2 gives. If your partner’s answer is interesting, ask follow up questions. (2 minutes)

  5. Switch to have person 2 ask questions for person 1 to answer.

  6. Come together as a family.

  7. Person 1 introduces person 2. (:30 - 1 minute)

  8. Everyone takes a turn.