Wellness Training

Wellness Training Spotlight

Alliance for Child Welfare Excellence

At the Alliance, we deliver training that matters so that workforce professionals can achieve mastery in their critical work with vulnerable children and families. We focus on quality, and we are showing results. In 2016, our average rating from classroom participants was an impressive 4.5 out of 5.

We now offer more than 125 training classes and customized coaching sessions to social service specialists, their supervisors and child welfare administrators at training sites across the state—a 12-fold increase in training opportunities under our leadership.

Additionally, we've expanded training and education for our state-supported caregivers who play a crucial role in the lives of children in foster care. Despite these gains, we continuously strive for improvement. We are using the latest in data-driven scientific tools to measure the relevance, design and impact of our training so that we can build one of the best welfare workforce training systems in the nation.

Relational Mentor Training

Kitsap Strong and XParenting are seeking interested individuals (natural supports in the lives of our youth/children) to participate in a two-day virtual training and subsequent Community of Practice (CoP). This experience is designed to empower participants with the skills and confidence to help children cope with the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic and social isolation. We believe every person can flourish when they have the support of caring and competent adults. Excellent candidates for this FREE training opportunity include any/all “caring adults” who have relationships with children and are natural mentors (formal or informal) - youth leaders, coaches, scout leaders, faith & activity leaders, aunties/uncles, neighbors, and grandparents.

Sign Up Here!

Harvard University. Center on the Developing Child.

Contents in this Guide on Toxic Stress include Toxic Stress 101, The Science and Social Causes of Toxic Stress, and Preventing and Addressing Toxic Stress

The Planning for the Next Normal at School playbook is an evolving collection of recommendations, co-authored by Alliance for a Healthier Generation, Action for Healthy Kids, Healthy Schools Campaign, SHAPE America, and FutureEd to address the total health needs of the school community for in-person and virtual learning environments. The playbook provides a framework to understand, assess, and implement strategies for COVID-19 prevention, social drivers of health, physical activity and physical education, staff and teacher well-being, mental health and well-being, and funding.

Check out this website for access to articles and videos that will help you learn more about mental health issues.

  • Teens and Suicide: What Parents Should Know

  • Is Your Child Stressed Out?

  • Is Your Child Lonely?

  • It's OK to Not Be OK (video)

  • Child Mind Institute's CrisisLogger

  • free

  • online

  • by Vanderbilt University

Thriving YOUniversity

Connections During COVID-19: Mental Wellness Webinars for Families and Educators

Click on the link to watch the recordings and review the presentation pdf.

Yale University

  • 19 hours

  • free

  • online