Family Wellness Tip

TOPIC: Meeting Your Family

Example of a Family Meeting (3 min)

Meeting Your Family

Talking to your family can be hard, it doesn't matter the topic. It gets easier when we do it in positive ways and more often. One way to start your whole family talking is in family meetings.

Reasons to have (or start) family meetings:

  • They build kid's self-esteem. The children feel valued when they are listened to and their ideas are considered.

  • Kids learn that family members are joined together. What each person does can have an effect on everyone else.

  • Helps kids to better deal with problems they have all areas (like home, school, or playground).

  • Your family becomes closer and works together better.

  • Kids learn perspective-taking skills. Kids start to think of how other's feel and what is good for the whole family.

  • They slow the family down from their hectic lives.

  • They are a safe place for problems to be talked about and resolved.

  • Everyone knows what is going on for the week.

You can use one of the forms below or wing it. The goal is to try a meeting. Let each person talk. Let each person know events for the week. Enjoy each other.

Template #1

Template #2

Template #3

Template #4