Family Wellness Tip

TOPIC: Relationship Ninja

Relationship Ninja

It takes 2 main things to be a Relationship Ninja. 1st thing is to care about others. 2nd thing is to be brave.

It can be scary to care about others. No one wants to get hurt. Don't let the fear stop you from making new friendships OR making your relationships better. There are some tips to being a Relationship Ninja.

  1. Know Yourself

    • What do you NEED from the other person?

    • What do you WANT from the other person?

    • What do you EXPECT the relationship to be like?

    • Share who you are. All of you. Good and bad. Be brave because it can be scary.

  2. Don't Take It Personal

    • This is a hard one. People think and feel all day long. They act on what they are thinking and feeling. How they act may be because of us...BUT...that is not always the case. A lot of times how people act to you has NOTHING to do with you.

  3. Judgements & Assumptions

    • This is a hard one too. We make a decision in 1/5 of a second. That is fast. This is good to help us survive. Most of the time we are not worried about being able to stay alive. Remind yourself that.

    • Now, we have to think about the other person. How are they feeling? What are they thinking? What happened to this person to make them act this way?

  4. Delivery

    • Its all about how you say it. What you say is important but HOW you say it is more important.

    • How do you want people to feel when they leave you?

The Ultimate Ninja Game

1. All players form a circle.

2. Each player folds their hands (like a ninja.)

3. Begin with player 1 saying: “3, 2, 1- Go ninja go!”

4. All players jump backwards and land in "a ninja pose."

5. Each player makes one move, attack or escape. One move at a time per person.

6. Attack on the arm, below the shoulder.

7. At end of move, player must stay frozen until their next turn.

8. Player being attacked makes 1 move to get out of the way. Player must stay frozen until their next turn.

9. If player is hit, they put 1 arm behind their back. When 2 arms are behind their back, the player is done with this game.

10. Last player with 1 or 0 arms behind their back is the winner.

Note: Games last about 5-10 minutes.