Family Wellness Tip

Physical Transitions

Does a physical transition mean how my body changes as I age? It can BUT I'm meaning something different. I mean the changes we make when our physical environment changes OR when we move from 1 activity to another. It is how we adapt. Physical transitions sound pretty easy...aren't they easy to deal with? It depends on the person and situation. How do we make physical transitions easier when we're struggling (or our kids are struggling)?

Luckily a lot of our physical transitions are known ahead of time OR usually occur throughout the day. When we know a physical transition is happening, we can plan. Mentally preparing our brain is most helpful. When it's for our kids, we can help THEM prepare their brain. Let's look at a few ways to help prepare for some physical transitions.

  1. Calendar

    • Writing down appointments on a calendar helps keep everyone in the loop. It helps you prepare for the schedule change. It helps you adjust the day as needed to fit everything in.

  2. Schedule

    • Making a schedule of the day is similar to using a calendar. It says EVERYTHING you plan to do for the day. This helps you know what's coming. It also helps you know when you are getting some down time. You can be ready for what's coming.

    • Schedules work for the workday, school day, and relaxed weekend day.

  3. Countdowns

    • Similar to using a calendar. It can keep people focused on what needs to be done before the big day. It can help reduce anxiety or overexcitement. It can help keep talks focused. It can be used as an easy reminder. The big day could be a move, a parent returning from deployment, scheduled medical procedure, or summer vacation.

      1. Paper chains are a nice visual.

      2. X-ing off days of a calendar help you feel like you are getting closer.

    • This can also be used in smaller situations. The time you have left to finish a work project. The time you have left to finish eating. The time you have left until you need to leave the party. The time you have left of your mental break before you have to start work again.

      1. Timers are a great way to manage small countdowns. The visual helps you stay focused. The timer also helps you stay on track when you can easily get into a project or party or break.

To help those that get anxiety around changes or not knowing what's going on, try 1 or 2 of these strategies.

Of course we can't plan for everything. Some days we don't want to. That's okay, you do what's best for you and your family overall.