Family Wellness Tip

Game Night

We've had a lot of time together over break. It's nice to have fun times. It's nice to have the time to work through problems. How do we keep that going? Game Night.

Wait, what? How does a weekly game night support my ongoing relationship with my kid(s)? We can teach kids so many skills when playing a game. Some of those skills help at school. Some of them will help with friends. Some will help keep your relationship solid.

Benefits of weekly game nights:

  1. Teaches kids to lose.

    • Who likes to lose? Uh, no one. It is something we need to learn to do to manage in our society. We aren't always going to win. We aren't always going to get our way. Sometimes it happens over and over. You can teach kids to: identify emotions, manage emotions, learn how to respond to other's feelings, continue a relationship when there is conflict, and teaches resiliency. Though these are only a few, they are big ones.

  2. Reminds kids you're fun.

    • I don't know if you've ever been called a fun hater or boring, I have and it hurts. I am not boring or a fun hater, and I bet you aren't either. Sometimes we get too stuck in being a parent. Being responsible. Having rules. Keeping a schedule. That may be all that kids see. We need to remind our kids, and ourselves, we like to have fun.

  3. Gives kids time with you.

    • Many things that seem normal are keeping us separate. Screen time. Different schedules. Different households. Kids tend not to get much fun 1-1 parent time OR fun family time. This can help increase connection between family members.

  4. Boosts communication.

    • We can talk about serious and non-serious topics easier. It is easier to talk to people you have a connection with. The more you're around someone, the more connected you feel. Kids are the same. The more connected you feel with someone, the easier it is to have serious and non-serious talks.

Games can be board games BUT they don't have to be. Try something new. Get creative. Other options can be:

  • 4-square

  • Go Fish

  • Tag

  • Charades

  • Basketball

  • MadLibs


Go Play a Game!