Family Wellness Tip

Thriving The Holidays

Holy moly, the holidays can be joyful and stressful at the same time. Travel. Family. Activities. No breaks. Celebrations. No celebrations or family. How will the holidays look different this year? Do you just barely make it every year? Thrive the holidays DON'T just survive the holidays. do we fit everything in and take time to recover? Well, we don't. Some people need more alone time. Some people need more time with others. Both are okay. Now, how do we know what our family needs? Each one may be different. Here are some clues to help you figure it out (for you and them).


  1. Prefer 1-1 conversations to groups.

  2. Enjoy alone time.

  3. Dislike small talk.

  4. Not a big risk taker.

  5. Prefer small parties.

  6. Dislike conflict.

  7. Feel worn out after being out & about, even if I had fun.

  8. Dislike doing lots of things at 1 time.

If you answered True to most of the statements, you'll need more down time.

If you answered False to most of the statements, you'll need less down time.

Holidays can be stressful and enjoyable. Usually we need more down time to relax. If you are a person that needs more down time, you will need to take even MORE time to relax or be alone.

It is okay to say "No" to things. Saying "No" can be hard. We don't want to let people down. We want people to like us. Saying "No" can keep stress levels down. Saying "No" can be the best thing you do to keep you and your family healthy & happy during the holidays.

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To help your family thrive the holidays, use the Family Holiday Music-Making Kit. Fun activities to keep enjoying and getting to know your family.
