Family Wellness Tip

Let's Get Ready To...Start School.

Of course the first thing in my head is..."Let's get ready to rumble!" (said with an announcer voice) How do we make sure it is not a rumble? How do we make sure we are ready for our kids to go back to school? How do we make sure our kids are ready to go back? Prepare and proactive. All of the ideas this month are to get kids ready. It can take longer for some kids to be ready. Some kids go with the flow and don't have any problems. I'll be honest, most of us aren't that flexible and need time. Ready or is coming. So let's make sure we're ready.


We get supply lists, or a donation request for supplies the school buys. It can get pricey and stressful, making sure your kid(s) have all they need to start the year. Some suggestions:

  1. Start early

    • Get a few things here and there. Start collecting things they like or will need during the year or right after school gets out. This also allows you to find things on sale.

  2. Keep it

    • Hold on to things they didn't use or didn't get beaten up from the year before. It also allows you to pass it down to your other kids.

  3. Save up

    • The donation option, when available is nice. It allows you to pay the same amount or less AND not have to fight the crowds. The only downside, it is usually not available after elementary.

  4. Look for drives

    • There are school supply drives in our area. They provide basic supplies for kids at little to no cost.

School Visit

Visiting the school tends to happen in the few days before school starts. You get to see your teacher(s). You get to see if you got the classes you wanted and what lunch you'll have. You get to drop off supplies. This is a great time to look around. Get the feel of things. Settle some nervousness. This is crucial for new students. New students to the district or school. New students that move from elementary to middle or middle to high. The schools get bigger. The schools can seem scarier. Kids need to get a feel for how their day will look. Kids need to make some connections with adults and other kids they see in the hall or commons. Even if they don't meet officially or don't know names, just seeing someone familiar helps kids calm and feel more comfortable. To be honest, it helps parents feel comfortable knowing what their kid's day will look like. It also helps parents feel comfortable when they're kids are comfortable. It helps parents be able to comfort their kids anxiety when they have an idea what is going on at school. seems to be helpful for the whole family.

Before & After School Routine

What do you want your kids to do before they leave for school? What do you want your kids to do after they get home from school? The key thing is to be specific.

Before School

  1. Order

    • Do things need to be done in an order? Does it matter when medication is taken? Do they need to get dressed first?

  2. What

    • What do they need to get done? Dressed? Lock doors? Eat breakfast? Help a sibling?

After School

  1. Timeline

    • When does homework need to be done by? What time do they need to stop fun activities? What time do they need to start homework?

  2. What

    • Do they need to make a snack for the family? Do they need to change clothes? What chores do they need to get done?