Family Wellness Tip

School's Out For...Now?

Ahhhh, graduation. They worked hard. They reached a goal. It seems like it went on FOREVER, but it was really just a short blip. A short blip that taught them how to be a kid. Taught them how to be a learner. Taught them how to interact with others. Taught them small bits about being responsible. Now they'll wake up and feel like they're ready to be an adult. Literally. But they have no idea this is just the first step. So, celebrate their accomplishment AND don't let them stop there. Let this be the first of many big accomplishments. Help them know there is more life and learning AFTER graduation. Teach them that one thing about being an adult is reaching and setting goals. Teach them to be SMART.

Setting and reaching goals is very important for people. It gives purpose. The purpose might be to NOT have something happen. Or the purpose could be to MAKE something happen. One way to set goals is using the SMART method.

  1. Specific

    • What do they want?

    • Why is it important?

    • Who else is involved in getting what they want?

  2. Measurable

    • How will they know when they've reached their goal?

    • If it is a big goal, what pieces will help them know they are going in the right direction?

  3. Achievable

    • What obstacles could get in their way? How can they get around those obstacles?

    • Is it something they can really do? Some goals are dreams. Help them determine.

  4. Relevant

    • Does this get them where they want to go?

    • Is it the right time to set this goal in motion?

    • Is it something they really want? Why?

    • Are they willing to put in the effort it takes to reach this goal?

  5. Time-bound

    • How much time do they need to reach their goal?

    • What steps do they need to start doing now? In a week? In a month? In a year?