
Isn't amazing how humans are able to adjust to their environments? If you are thinking, "What? We aren't adjusting! We are having a really hard time dealing with all of the changes.", then you have come to the right place for guidance.

What does "regulate" mean and how is it related to you and your family's sense of well-being? In simple terms, it means to to control an activity or a process.

When we think about Behavior and Wellness, what are we trying to "regulate"? We want to regulate ourselves. Our brains. Our bodies. We want to achieve "Self-Mastery".

Why would we want to teach the strategies of "self-regulation?

  • Life is stressful. Period.

  • The more we know how to manage our emotions and our bodies in healthy ways, the more we are able to connect to others and the more we are able to focus on tasks.

  • When we don't learn these skills, we will find other less healthy or even dangerous ways to cope.


Why and What? Self-Regulation

We depend on executive functions and emotion management every day—did you know these skills can be taught? Research shows that students with better self-regulation skills have higher academic achievement, are more likely to get along with others, and are better able to build and maintain strong relationships.

Why Practicing Can Help with Emotional Regulation

In this video, Nate talks about what emotional regulation is, and how practicing can help from a cognitive skills perspective.

Teaching Self-Regulation by Modeling

This video shows a teacher modeling with a class of students. Parents can do this too! It works with ALL people. ALL ages. ALL the time.

Demonstrating Self-Regulation with Tone of Voice

This video shows a teacher modeling with a class of students. Parents can do this too! It works with ALL people. ALL ages. ALL the time.

Anger Management for Kids (and Adults)

A short fun video teaching kids and adults how to manage their anger in 5 simple steps. Super easy to do with instant results! Try it the next time you lose your temper.

Want to learn more? Find it HERE