

Take A Walk


Take A Walk How-To


Brief Video

Sensory Diet

Gives sensory feedback to the body. Helps for sensory calm downs.


    • Wheelbarrow walk

    • Animal walk

    • Trampoline

    • Bike

    • Swing (all directions)

    • Rough and tumble play

    • Squish or sandwich with pillows or balls

    • Wear a heavy backpack

    • Weighted items (blanket or lap pillow).

    • Chewy toys


Books & Documents


  1. I Am Yoga

by Susan Verde


  1. Self-regulation Activities

Games & Activities

  1. Red Light - Green Light

  2. Simon Says

  3. Partner Obstacle Course

    • Make an obstacle course. The children have to make it through while holding their partner’s hand. Don’t let go or you have to start all over!

    • Examples:

      1. Line of painters tape or colored duck tape along the floor to create a “balance beam”

      2. Jump over pillows or any object

      3. Jump up or down a step

      4. Go under a piece of tape hanging from one doorway to another

      5. Up on tip toes to reach an object in a high place

      6. Walk backward to a location

      7. Carry a big or little object together

      8. Fit into a designated small space

  4. Duck, Duck, Goose

  5. Freeze Tag

  6. Hide & Seek

  7. Wacky Relay

    • Create a path or course. Two children carry an object (ball, pencil, stuffed animal, etc.) with a body part down the path.

    • Example: The children carry a tennis ball between their backs. Make it a challenge by timing or racing with others.

  8. Freeze Dance

  9. Musical Chairs

  10. Mirror, Mirror

    • One child is the “leader”. The children face each other. The leader moves their body slowly and the other child follows.

    • Example: Leader puts one hand on their head and one hand on their belly. The other child copies.

  11. Parachute Play

  12. Counting Down

    • Example: Set out a beanbag chair. Tell your child to jump on the bean bag after you count down. Your child waits when you count down – “3…2…1…JUMP!” Repeat so the child can practice waiting.

  13. Hand Clapping Game

  14. Dancing

  15. Balloon Volleyball

  16. Sequence Motor Tracks

    • Example: do 3 jumps, then 2 hops, then stand on one foot for 3 seconds)

  17. Bop It

  18. Donkey Kicks

    • Hands flat on floor under shoulders. Come into a short Down Dog – hips up, feet and legs together. Keep arms straight as you bend knees and then kick yourself with your heels. Say loudly Bray Bray, Bray!! (like a donkey)