What's Happening in KB

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In September we read "The Kissing Hand" to help us adjust to leaving our parents for a full day. I was so impressed with how well all the children did with saying good-bye at the door. Way to go, KB!

We read the book "The Colors of Us". We discussed how we are all special and unique.

Orange Shirt Day

We read "Phyllis' Orange Shirt" and learned about how Orange Shirt Day came to be. We also did a journal entry and discussed how different school was for children who were placed in residential schools. This important conversation will continue over the school year. Every child matters!

In October, we had fun making apple bird feeders and apple prints.

Here are some of our class prayers. I hope you can teach them to your family.

Prayer at snack time ~ to the tune of "If you're happy and you know it."

We are thankful for our snack, for our snack (clap, clap) repeat 2x

Good food makes us healthy and strong,

Good friends help us sing this song,

We are thankful for our snack, for our snack (clap, clap).