
This page summarizes all the activities we develop in the context of FAPs/INRIA/CNRS project 2017-2019

Title: Robust feature representation for computer vision problems


In this project, we aim at investigating robust methods of representation for real world computer vision problems. Two different approaches of representation are compared, handcrafted and automatic, especially for those problems where the amount of training data is limited. To achieve these objectives, the research team is composed of researchers from CNRS / University of Rouen (French Team) and from UFPE (Principal Brazilian Team), UFPR/PUCPR (Orbital Brazilian Team), who work in different fields of machine learning, pattern recognition and computer vision. With this project, our goal is to build a large research network by connecting researchers and students from CNRS / University of Rouen to three Brazilian universities (UFPE, UFPR and PUCPR) and to consolidate the cooperation among partners that started in 2013 and was supported by the CAPES/STICAmSud program.
