
At the College of Administration and Financial Sciences - Financial & Banking Sciences

Department, I am teaching the following;

1. Principles of Statistics (CUE74001)

2. Research Methods (BAN311)

My Philosophy in Teaching:

Statistics is a discipline that uses mathematical reasoning and logic to analyze data. Information about the world around us often is conveyed by the media in simple statistical terms, pointing to the need for us to have a clear understanding of the kinds of problem that statistics can be asked to solve. University students have an intuitive understanding of everyday problems, developed through their own experiences. The key to teaching statistics is to show students how to relate theoretical concepts to the understanding of such problems they have achieved already. I facilitate the teaching of statistics by relating statistical concepts to other courses and problems encountered in everyday life, and by using diagrams and humorous illustrations to help explain concepts. The topics are carefully chosen so that the students can relate to the concepts. In order to understand the students’ perspective, I ask for their feedback on the kinds of content they would like me to use to illustrate the concepts. I gear the content toward proactive learning, in which students are challenged to demonstrate their understanding.

In order to accommodate students of different abilities, I make adjustments in my teaching methods. I provide patient guidance to students who find the course material difficult to understand by meeting them outside of class and answering their questions. I hold office hours so that students can meet with me directly, and I accept e-mails if they cannot meet with me in person. For students who have a genuine interest in statistics, I discuss intricate concepts so that they feel encouraged to take advanced statistics courses.

After the students gain an understanding of statistical concepts, I challenge them to think more critically about why these concepts can be useful. I provide experiments using the Fathom statistical software in the computer lab, so that the students can achieve this skill. With Fathom, students are able to see a visual representation of the concept and derive an accurate conclusion from the analysis of data. I require the students to write analysis reports and achieve “hands-on” experience in experimental design, data collection, and data analysis. I encourage them to direct questions to me and other classmates to help them understand the concepts learned in the experiments.


Title: Principles of Statistics

Department: Public Administration

Stage: One

Hall no.: 8310

No. of Students: 66


Title: Research Methods

Department: Banking and Financial Science

Stage: Third

Hall no.: 8005

No. of Students: 36

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