Rebaz test

Welcome to my Teacher Academic Profile (TAP) website. I am Dr. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, an Assistant Professor at the Department of Accounting, Faculty of Administration and Financial sciences, Cihan University-Erbil.

I am teaching the following courses:

  1. Course1 name (code)

  2. Course2 name (code)

  3. Course3 name (code)

  4. Course4 name (code)

  5. Course5 name (code)

  6. Course6 name (code)

My Scientific Publications are:

  1. (x) Journal papers.

  2. (x) Conference papers.

  3. (x) Published books.

My Research interests are:

  1. xxxx

  2. xxxx

  3. xxxx

e-mail: (+964) - 771 234 5678ORCID: Google Scholar Page link: click hereMy calendar: click here
