
Name:Hawzhin Omer Mohammed

Post: Rapporture of Department


Academic Title:Doctore- Lecture

Specialty: The relation between style and politicail media discourse.


Mobile number: (+964) -7504493956

Short Biography

Hawzhin Omer joined the Department of international relations and Diplomatic and Media department at Cihan University-Irbil as a Lecturer in 2014. Hawzhin Omer earned his master Degree media language in Arabic Beirut University,lebanon in 2013. He holds PHD degree at lebanese University, lebanon in Methods of Poltical discourses media in Kurdistan media . His MA Degree research interests focus on politicaly essay in AL-Taahki newspaper. Hawzhin Omer is a member of Noor Media Center in Sweden, and a member of the Arab academic organazation for scientific media and communication. He is also a member in IFJ (International Federation of Journalisim).

Research Interests

    1. Method of media discourse .

    2. Method of political media Discourse.

    3. relation between language and political media.

    4. Method of Text media in International media

  1. the language in the new media.

  2. Political Discourse analysis.