Scientific Publications

المنشورات العلمية

This page is about your publications in this academic year:

    1. Conference paper.

    2. Research paper in a national Journal with DOI.

    3. Research paper in an International journal member of DOAJ.

    4. Research paper in an International journal with TR impact factor.

    5. Research paper in an International journal indexed by SCOPUS.

    6. Published/translated Book with valid ISBN.

    7. Published/translated with valid ISBN published by International famous publishers.

*You need to upload the approval documents with the following style:

    1. Conf.Conference abbreviation.year.pdf

    2. J.DOI.Journal name abbreviation.Date.pdf

    3. J.DOAJ.Journal name abbreviation.Date.pdf

    4. J.TR.Journal name abbreviation.Date.pdf

    5. J.SCOPUS.Journal name abbreviation.Date.pdf

    6. Book.publisher

    7. Book.publisher