Classroom & Lab expectations

Student expectations

It is critical for your success in this class that you take responsibility for your own learning and advocate (speak up) for yourself!

Successful students will:

1. Check email, Google classroom and Skyward daily

2. Complete and turn Wednesday work (asynchronous)

3. Maintain an organized binder/including properly updated DET at all times

4. Bring completed assignments at the beginning of class every synchronous day

5. Communicate with teachers – if absent due to COVID, it is very important that you email me to get the assignments/activities that you will be missing

6. Participate in class - work/be productive during class time, bring your science notebook, writing instrument and Chromebook to class, wear your mask properly at all times, participate in the required cleaning procedure at the end of the period.

Classroom expectations

Be prompt…Be prepared… Be polite...Be productive!

1. It is expected that students will respect one another, the teacher and school equipment.

2. It is expected that eating and drinking will not occur unless directly related to an instructional objective stated by the teacher. Food and drink must be kept in your bag, out of sight. Water containers are allowed if they have a resealable top.

3. It is expected that all electronic devices remain in your bag and out of sight unless directly related to an instructional objective stated by the teacher. Charging your phone in class is a privilege. If you would like to use the charging station for your phone, please note that accessing your phone is with teacher permission. Our goal is to limit our distractions in class. Note: All electronic devices are to be put away during testing. Smartwatches and earbuds are included in this rule.

If you choose to break a rule, there will be consequences. There are behaviors that will warrant an office referral immediately (such as violent behavior or extremely disrespectful behavior.) Behaviors that are less severe, but in violation of the basic rules of the class will be dealt with in the manner described in the curriculum guide and may involve W.F. West Administrators.

Google Classroom

During the first week of school, you will be given a code to join the Google Classroom for your science course. You will find all class notes, asynchronous work and other resources on this site.


Your presence in the classroom is necessary each day, on time. Numerous absences or tardies for any reason (even if they are excused by a parent) will limit your ability to do well, which will lower your grade.

Excused absences – Work missed due to an excused absence may be made up. To get full credit on assignments you must write absent on the top of your paper and include the date on which you were absent. It is your responsibility to get notes, assignments, and any other information you missed. When students have planned family trips and/or school-sponsored events, it is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements for makeup work and tests BEFORE the planned absence.

Be aware that some work in the sciences cannot be made up. Certain labs and activities require special materials or conditions that are only available on a certain day and cannot be made up. For this reason, I will remove your lowest lab/activity score at the end of each quarter. If you miss more than one of these labs/activities, it will affect your grade.

Unexcused absences/Skipping – In the case of an unexcused absence or skipping, you will lose all points that were done in class that day. This includes all assignments, labs, test and quizzes.

Late work

Turning in assignments on time is essential for your success in this class. Late assignments will receive ½ credit and will only be accepted for our current unit.


Your grade will be based on points accumulated for the following:

    • tests & quizzes

    • labs & activities

    • projects & reports

    • daily assignments

    • class participation

    • vocabulary

Grades will be determined on the basis of a percentage of possible points attained. The following scale will be used:

93% – 100% A

90% - 92.9% A-

87% - 89.9% B+

83% - 86.9% B

80% - 82.9% B-

77% - 79.9% C+

73% - 76.9% C

70% - 72.9% C-

67% - 69.9% D+

60% - 66.9% D

< 59.9% F

W.F. West High School Science Lab Safety Contract

Prepare for lab work

    • Study lab procedures (if available) prior to class

    • Never perform unauthorized experiments

    • Keep the lab station organized and free of apparel, books and other clutter

    • Know the location of and how to use the safety shower, eye wash and first aid kit

Dress for lab work

    • Tie back long hair

    • Do not wear loose sleeves

    • Wear closed-toe shoes

    • Wear safety goggles during all laboratory sessions

    • Wear gloves when using chemicals that irritate or can be absorbed through skin

Avoid contact with chemicals

    • Never taste or “sniff” chemicals

    • Never draw materials in a pipet with your mouth

    • When heating substances in a test tube, point the opening away from people

    • Never carry dangerous chemicals or hot equipment near other people

Avoid hazards

    • Keep combustibles away from open flames

    • Use caution when handling hot glassware

    • When diluting acid, always add acid slowly to water – not water to acid

Clean up

    • Consult teacher for proper disposal of chemicals

    • Wash hand thoroughly following any lab work

    • Return lab supplies to cart (or wherever they belong)

    • Leave lab station clean and neat!!

In case of an accident

    • Report all accidents and spills immediately

    • Place broken glass in designated containers

    • Wash all acids and bases from your skin immediately with plenty of running water

    • If chemicals get into your eyes, wash eyes for at least 15 minutes with an eyewash

Misbehavior in the lab area or during a lab or activity will be taken very seriously. If a problem arises, students will be removed from the lab for that day – and will forfeit all lab points. If a there are persistent issues, students will not be allowed to do labs with the class – and will not receive lab points for the term.