Welcome to The Spanish classes remote learning launch site

Instructor: Señor Kaufman

Important inforomation:

Please read below and take the necessary action steps to get set up for class.

Welcome back (sort of:). We're going remote for the first half of the year, so I have created a virtual textbook for each class. Your assignments will be posted on Google classroom and completed in your virtual textbook. All Spanish Students need to sign up for the following websites in order to get all of your assignments and access all of the sites within the virtual textbook. Follow the instructions below!

  1. Go to this link, sign up Conjuguemos.com, and enter teacher code akvngg. Join whatever class you are in: Spanish 1, Spanish 2 or Exploratory. This will allow you to access the written digital assignments, tests, and quizzes throughout the year.

Here is a video tour of the Spanish 1 textbook. Check it out! (coming soon)

Here is a video tour of the Spanish 2 textbook. Virtual textbook tour

Here is a video tour of the Exploratory virtual textbook. (coming soon)

The actual textbook links are found below. Just click where it says Virtual Textbook.

Middle School Spanish