Homework Policy and Calendars - as of June 16, 2018

2018 - 2019 Homework Policy

Homework is an essential element of learning. We will begin this coming year's homework assignments in September. My practice is to issue a monthly calendar with homework assignments for Monday through Thursday evenings.

In regard to the homework calendar which your child brings home at the beginning of each month:

1. All activities are required homework and not optional (we review all homework for completeness and understanding).

2. All homework must be done in your child's homework journal - we do not skip pages. That is, we will be using the "front" and "back" of each page in the Homework Journal.

3. The new homework calendars which are sent home at the beginning of each month will also be posted at this website.

4. Starting as early in the school year as possible: An online reading enhancement website called Reading A to Z (aka: Raz-Kids) will be initiated for each student. In addition we will be using an online math enhancement website as well. More information on that will be forthcoming. We will send home all registration/login information when it becomes available. I will be monitoring both the reading and math websites for each student's progress and performance.

Homework Guidance


Homework Journals will be provided by me. When using the HOMEWORK JOURNALS use pencil and DO NOT SKIP pages. We will be filling out all pages within the school year. We recommend using Ticonderoga "My First" pencils which are available at WalMart - it is the same pencil we use in the classroom because it is easier for a Kindergarten child to hold and use properly.