Recognized ASCA Model Program


    • Is based on the ASCA National Model.

    • Is a recognition program for individual schools, not districts or school counselors.

    • Gives you the confidence that your program aligns with a nationally accepted and recognized model.

    • Helps you evaluate your program and areas for improvement.

    • Increases your skills and knowledge.

    • Enhances your program's efforts to contribute to student success.

Peet Junior High School Counseling Program (Vision):

The vision of the Peet Junior High School Counseling Program is for EVERY student to graduate with college and career awareness and readiness. Our students will possess and be equipped with 21st century skills; strong in the ability to create, innovate and problem solve while also being steadfast in their empathy and healthy coping strategies. Through living out the Tiger Way, with a high quality education, our students will become resilient. They will navigate postsecondary and beyond with a grit and growth mindset and sound educational decision-making. They embrace and thrive in their roles as positive, inclusive change agents as they demonstrate leadership in their community and world around them. They will persevere in the face of challenges and setbacks due to their rich experience in social and emotional learning. Peet Junior High students will emerge into adulthood with productive and engaging partnerships, cultural acceptance, global awareness, and confidence in being the best version of themselves.

PJH Counseling Program (Beliefs):

We, the Professional School Counselors at Peet Junior High School, believe that:

* Every student can value diversity and respect the unique characteristics of others

* Every student can learn and demonstrate a growth mindset and face challenges with resiliency and adaptability

* Every student can serve as leaders in their home, school and community environment

* Every student can learn at their highest potential and can share in the ownership of their learning

* Every student will have access to Peet’s school counseling program, staffed by professional school counselors, data driven and comprehensive in nature, and founded on ASCA’s behavior standards and mindsets.

* Every student will receive differentiated support to reach their personal and academic goals in a caring environment designed to meet their developmental needs

* Every student has the ability to learn, to achieve success and be significant in the lives of others

* Every student has the right to a guaranteed and viable curriculum aligned with and to District essential skills and concepts that are taught and assessed with fidelity and rigor

* Every student has the ability to show mastery of competencies through multiple learning styles

* Every student will have expanded learning opportunities focused on experiential learning beyond the school walls that include global integration and awareness opportunities

* Every student is valuable, worthy of love, and deserves to be safe and treated with respect

* Peet School Counselors collaborate with key stakeholders and are change agents in school climate and systemic change

* Peet School Counselors follow ethical standards specifically designed by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) and defined by Cedar Falls Community Schools

* Peet school counselors are advocates for all students, role models, leaders, and a link between school and home

Peet Junior High School Counseling Program (Mission):

The Peet School Counseling department prioritizes relationship building while working in collaboration with staff, parents, and community members. To maximize learning, we provide a sequential, data-driven, standards-based comprehensive and developmental program. Our scope and sequence encourages life-long learning and addresses social/emotional, academic, and career needs to ensure access, equity, and success for all students in graduating citizen, college, and career ready.

Annual Student Outcome Goal (Closing-the-Gap):

    1. (Attendance): By June 1, 2023, 7th and 8th grade girls with 18 or more absences in the 21-22 school year will decrease the number of their cumulative absences for the 22-23 school year by 20% from 831.5 days (21-22) to 665.2 days (22-23).