Class Information

Contact Information:


•Phone: 281-807-8000

•Conference times:

9:30am – 10:05am

and after 2:55pm

Remember that class materials are located in Schoology


Parents can request the login ID and password by going to and choosing Home Access Center from the drop-down menu on the left (under “Parents and Students), or entering the address below.

Students can check their grades using their student ID number and their google password.


Students log in to (help video here:

Parents will find their login ID and password in HAC, under School Links

Testing & Tutoring Days:

•Tests will be given on ODD dated days

•Tutoring is every Tuesday and Thursday 2:55pm – 3:20 pm

District Retest/redo Guidelines

The following criteria should guide retest/redo practices.

•A student should have one opportunity each grading period in each course to retake a test for which he/she earned a failing grade (a grade below 70).

•The highest grade a student can earn on a test retake will be a 70. A student may not earn a grade lower than the original grade.

•Prior to retesting, the teacher should require an intervening action (tutorial attendance, study group, test correction, etc.) before taking a retest.

District Grading Policy:

•Tests 50%

•Alt Assessments 30%

•Daily 20%


Total 100%