Other Organisations meeting at Central


ASSIST helps destitute asylum seekers. We provide some space, refreshments and a listening ear for them and are trying to create a fund to provide toiletries. For further information please click below.


Dementia Cafe

This is held on the last Friday in every month and is run jointly by the Alzheimers Society and Sheffield Social Services. Please click the link below for further information.


From its first meeting in 2004 with a small number of people attending the café has grown

to its current regular 100 plus attendance. Meeting on the last Friday of the month, the café provides a relaxed meeting place for people who have

dementia and their carers and families, to come together with staff working in dementia services in Sheffield. The friendly café atmosphere allows people to meet and talk with others in a similar situation, find information about services in the city and be

put in touch with people who can give advice and support.

The United Reformed Church has undoubtedly contributed to the café’s success with its attractive facilities and central location that allows people to

combine a regular town centre trip with a visit to the café. Refreshments cakes and biscuits are standard fare at the Friday morning café but this June

we marked the occasion with a party, which was enjoyed by all.

The Café is a partnership initiative between The Alzheimer’s Society, Sheffield Care Trust and Sheffield City Council.

If you wish to know more about the café or the work of the Alzheimer’s Society please ring the Sheffield office on 0114 2768 414.

Sheffield Carers Group

Sheffield Carers Centre would like to say a big thank you to the Central United Reformed Church staff and volunteers for making us so welcome when we held our Carers Week events recently.

The Carers Centre is a voluntary organisation which provides information, advice and support to anyone who cares for a friend or family member with any illness, disability or frailty in Sheffield.

Each year during Carers Week we hold a number of events to raise awareness of the work that carers do, and also to give carers some time to enjoy themselves away from the stresses and strains of their everyday lives.

This year we held two main events, both at the Central United Reformed Church, firstly a games day where carers challenged each other to a game of table football, scrabble, giant Connect 4 and many other games, and secondly a day of dance where carers watched and joined in with a variety of dance styles from Bollywood to disco.

If anyone would like to know more about the carers centre or to join our mailing list please email the office@sheffieldcarers.org.uk, or visit our website www.sheffieldcarers.org.uk or ring Sheffield 2788942