6th Grade

This page will contain links that the classroom teacher or Media Center staff would like to be made available to students working in the lab or classroom.

Chromebook Training-Instructional video for students in grades 3rd-6th.

Cool Math for Kids-Practice math activities and find explanations of certain math concepts.

Ducksters-An educational site covering subjects such as history, science, geography, math and biographies.

Epic-Access to a digital library of 25,000 of the best digital books, learning videos, quizzes & more for kids 12 & under.

Hooda Math-A free online math games site.

International Olympic Committee-International Olympic Committee site.

Xtra Math-Online program that helps students improve their math fact fluency.

Moby Max-Find and fix learning gaps.

Study Island-Math and Language lessons for Mrs. Reagan's class.

Typing Club-Typing lessons and games

NEWSELA-sign in with your Google acct.

Scholastic-Learn at Home

Mystery Science

World Book Kids

Vocabulary/Spelling City

National Geographic Kids

Stories from Space

*Flappy Bird-Code your own Flappy Game.

**Code Play Lab Activity-Try our intro activity for coding. Use correct keyboarding skills.

**Minecraft Coding Activity-Use code to design or take Alex or Steve on an adventure.

**Create your own Google Logo Activity-Watch the video to learn how to create and interactive Google logo.

1. Angry Bird Maze Sequences-Use Blockly's visual blocks and guide those Angry Birds through mazes.

2. Maze Loops-Use Blockly coding and looping to guide Angry Birds and Zombies through mazes.

3. Bee Loops-Use Blockly coding and looping to guide Bees through mazes and other activities.

4. Artist Sequences-Use Blockly to create different shapes.

5. Zombie Mazes-Explore this site after you master sites 1-4.

One Hour Coding Tutorials-Set your level of expertise and your grade level. Have fun!