Frequently asked questions

1. Can I get a refund if my student has to miss a trip due to COVID, can I get a refund?

All group enrollments are non-refundable and non-transferable. In the event that a student must drop out of the group program due to medical reasons, a doctor's note must be provided to Webster Middle School. Mrs. Brueggemann and Webster will then inform Little Switzerland. In return, the student will receive a Little Switzerland coupon code good for this season.

Little Switzerland will not provide a cash or check refund for students withdrawing from the program.

Little Switzerland does not provide a make-up session if the student has other conflicts and can't attend.

2. Where do I turn in forms?

There no paper forms. Everything is online. Make sure to fill out BOTH Webster's Google form AND the Little Switzerland form to be eligible for Ski/Snowboard Club.

3. Can I drop off/pick up my son or daughter from the ski hill?

Yes, a parent can drop off/pick up your son or daughter with a travel release form and hand it to a Webster chaperone in the Chalet. We will have extra travel release forms to fill out. You must fill out a new travel release form for each time you pick up your son or daughter.

4. Can you participate in Ski/Snowboard Club and still participate in basketball, volleyball and wrestling?

Yes, you can participate in basketball, volleyball and wrestling. You may have to miss a practice or two if you are participating in basketball, but we will try to have no conflict with games.

5. What should you wear for Ski and Snowboard Club

A jacket, snow pants, a hat, and gloves should be worn for every trip. Please keep track of the weather. During ski trips with cold weather, ski goggles and a face mask are highly recommend.

6. Who do I contact if I have further questions?

Email: Room: 223

Please try to contact Mrs. Brueggemann first before contacting Little Switzerland directly.