Enriched Freshman English II:


Persuasive Speech- Original Oratory

A tragedy in five acts

Discussion questions-

1. Who is ultimately responsible for the outcome of the events in the play? Why?

2. Romeo and Juliet is a cautionary tale on the danger associated with young love and impulsiveness. What makes this play so relevant to today?

3. Some people claim Romeo and Juliet is a romance and not a tragedy. Pick and side and argue your point.

4. Does fate play a role in the play? How so or how not?

5. What is the most important theme in Romeo and Juliet? Support your answer.

Fahrenheit 451

Quiz 1

Quiz 2

Fahrenheit essay- 5 paragraphs

Write a five paragraph essay analyzing the book for literary merit (quality of writing), literary devices (look at this link and choose three), what makes the book stand the test of time (why it has endured through the ages).

1. How can you determine if a book has literary merit? Take a look at this article.

2. Why are we looking at literary devices? Literary devices are a way for an author to use tactics of style. As a reader, we like literary devices because the give the words flavor. Look at how the author gives the makes us understand the words beyond the simple objective definitions.

3. Some books stand the test of time, while others do not. Fahrenheit 451 was published in 1953. Why do people still want to read it today?