T6 Machines


What is gravity?

Gravity is the mysterious force that makes everything fall down towards the Earth.

What is friction?

Friction is the resistance of motion when one object rubs against another. Anytime two objects rub against each other, they cause friction. Friction works against the motion and acts in the opposite direction.

A FORCE: energy that moves things

When you push a friend on a swing, you are using another force. Pushing moves something in the direction of the push. The harder the push, the further the item goes. Pulling something has a similar action. The harder you pull, the faster something moves along. Pressure is another force. Pressure is force applied by weight. For example, if you press down on a grape, the pressure squishes it. Walk in snow and the pressure of your feet leaves footprints.

Friction happens when two things rub against each other. Friction makes things slow down.

GRAVITY: A forces that pulls things down to earth


What is the difference between and engine and a motor?

An engine is a mechanical device that uses a fuel source to create movement

A motor converts electricity or other forms of kinetic energy into a mechanical motion

GEARS from cardboard

How to make gears
