PALS Resources

Helpful Information

Speech Sound Developmental Norms

Developmental Interventions


Follow one to two step directions.

Label age appropriate vocabulary. 

Model and exaggerate age appropriate sounds. 


Match same color/shape/objects.

Attend to a adult presented task for 3-4 minutes (depending on age).

Demonstrate understanding of number concepts 1-5. 


Imitate fine and gross motor activities. 

Trace pre-writing strokes. 

Trace first name.

Catch a ball thrown by an adult from at least 5 feet away. 

Jump forward with both feet together. 


Increase independence in the toileting routine through the trip training process. 

Increase independence in feeding by using utensils and drinking from an open cup. 


Participate in turn taking with an adult or peer for 3 exchanges. 

Comply with adult directions. 

Model play skills to increase functional play (ex. rolling a car, feeding  baby, etc.)