Covid-19 Plan and Procedures:

Post date: Aug 28, 2020 3:52:57 PM

As school reopens, our library has been preparing to meet the challenges to still provide services as safely as possible.

For everyone's health and safety, we ask the following:

Everyone entering the library needs to wear a face mask over their mouth and nose.

Everyone needs to sanitize their hands as they enter the library.

All returned items will be left untouched for three days, and be available for checkout on the fourth day.

Students who are in the library need to maintain a safe distance from each other at all times. We have arranged the tables and chairs

to be the right distance apart. Please do not move any of the furniture without permission.

The photocopy area is still available for use. Please sanitize your hands before handling the machines, the stapler, 3-hole punch, or

any other equipment.