2024 Annual Church Meeting

Meeting Agenda

2024-25 Elder Nominees

2024-25 Deacon Nominees

2024-25 Committees

Committee Reports

New members May 2023-April 2024

2024-25 Proposed Budget (coming soon)

Missions Budget

2023 Church Meeting Minutes

Introducing John Jordan, Church Administrator candidate

After a months-long process of prayer, fasting, and interviews with some great candidates, Carmel’s Elder Leadership Team is thrilled to present John Jordan as their candidate for the role of Carmel’s Church Administrator.

John has been an active part of Carmel Baptist Church for many, many years. But it was the influence that his grandmother had on him as a young boy that had a significant impact on John spiritually. She often took John to church and modeled what it meant to love God and love others well. At the age of 10 years old, John accepted Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior.

Fast forward a few years. John moved to Charlotte and began attending Carmel Baptist Church where he met his bride, Anne, in the singles ministry. John and Anne have been active parts of the Carmel family for more than twenty years and have three children: Elisabeth, Wilson, and Molly Anne.

Specifically, John has filled roles on Carmel’s personnel committee, served multiple stints on (including chairing) the finance committee, as well as served as a member of Carmel Christian School’s School Board. Most Sunday’s you will find him greeting in the worship center during the 11 o’clock service.

In addition to John’s heart for people and love for the Carmel family, God has been preparing John professionally to step into the role of Church Administrator. After graduating with a degree in accounting from Wake Forest University and earning his CPA, John went on to serve in various roles as treasurer, chief financial officer, and the senior vice president at various companies along the way. We are thrilled to invite John to join the ministerial team at Carmel.

View John's resume here.
If you'd like the opportunity to meet John and his bride, Anne, stop by the Carmel Room after services on Sunday, May 5th.

Jordan family

Continue to check here for updates.

QUESTIONS? If you have questions about this or any other agenda item, please email questions@carmelbaptist.org and we will direct your question to receive a timely response.