I Cans

"I Can" statements help us to focus on specific learning targets for each quarter. These correspond to the standards assessed on the report cards sent home each nine weeks.


1st Quarter

I Can add and subtract accurately using strategies.

  • Solve addition and subtraction story problems to 10

  • Count on to add and count back to subtract

  • Add and subtract to 10

  • Find the unknown number in an addition equation (3 + ? = 10)

I Can count, write, and compare numbers.

  • Count by ones and by tens to 60

  • Read and write numbers to 60

  • Use the symbols >, =, and < to compare two numbers

2nd Quarter

I Can add and subtract accurately using strategies.

  • Solve addition and subtraction story problems to 12

  • Solve subtraction combinations using related addition facts (i.e. 10-8=2 because 8+2=10)

  • Count on to add and count back to subtract

  • Develop strategies for adding to 20 and subtracting to 10

  • Find the unknown number in an addition and subtraction equations (3 + ? = 10)

I Can count, write, and compare numbers.

  • Count by ones and by tens to 120

  • Read and write numbers to 120

  • Compare pairs of 2-digit numbers using the symbols >,=, and <

I Can understand and use place value

  • Understand that the two-digits of a number tell how many tens and ones are in the number

  • Add 2-digit numbers that are multiples of 10 (i.e. 30+40=70)

  • Find 10 more or 10 less than various 2-digit numbers

  • Subtract 2-digit numbers that are multiples of 10 (i.e. 40-20=20)

3rd Quarter

I Can add and subtract accurately using strategies.

  • Solve addition and subtraction story problems to 20

  • Solve subtraction combinations using related addition facts (i.e. 14-10=4 because 10+4=14)

  • Use strategies for adding and subtracting to 20

  • Demonstrate fluency with addition and subtraction facts to 10

  • Understand the meaning of the equal sign

  • Identify equations that involve addition & subtraction as true or false (i.e.7=3+4 is true; 10-2=4+1 is false)

  • Find the unknown number in addition & subtraction equations

I Can count, write, and compare numbers.

  • Read numbers between 100 and 120

  • Understand that the two-digits of a number tell how many tens and ones are in the number

I Can measure lengths with nonstandard units.

  • Put three objects in order by length

  • Compare the lengths of two objects indirectly by using a third object

  • Measures length using non-standard units such as Popsicle sticks, linking cubes, etc.

I Can reason with shapes and their attributes.

  • Identify and describe 2D and 3D shapes

  • Put shapes together to make larger shapes

  • Divides circles and rectangles into two and four equal parts, and describes the parts using words like halves, quarters, fourths

4th Quarter

I Can add and subtract accurately using strategies.

  • Solve story problems that involve adding three numbers

  • Understand the commutative & associative properties of addition (i.e. 2 + 3 is the same as 3 + 2 and 3 + (4+5) is the same as (3+4) + 5)

  • Add 2-digit numbers using at least two different strategies (i.e. 30+40, 50+7, 24+39) ; and can explain how these strategies work

I Can understand and use place value.

  • Find 10 more or 10 less than various 2-digit numbers and explains the reasoning behind the answer

  • Subtract 2-digit numbers that are multiples of 10 (i.e. 50-30 and 70-40) using at least two different strategies; and can explain how these strategies work

I Can work with time and money.

  • Tell and write time to the hour and half-hour on analog and digital clocks

I Can represent and interpret data.

  • Construct and read graphs, and answer questions about the data