
El mundo en tus manos google form — Please choose one article from the current issue of El mundo en tus manos and complete the form accordingly.

Los Pollitos Dicen — This video is about what little chickies say!

Quizlet Lists — In this Quizlet classroom, I have included some lists of our target structures. Students can practice these structures with a variety of games.

Sr. Wooly - Sr. Wooly has a variety of enjoyable and educational Spanish videos.

Target Structures - This is a running list of our Target Structures. These are the same structures that should be on your pink dictionary page.

Useful Words - This is one of the handouts that is in your folder. This document includes numbers, colors and the sweet sixteen verbs.

Somos Youtube Playlist - This playlist includes most of the songs that we listen to in class.

Duolingo - Duolingo is a language learning resource that allows you to work at your own pace to acquire new vocabulary.