


Swift: Delay is Simple and Effective for Congestion Control in the Datacenter by Gautam Kumar et al. SIGCOMM 2020

Snap: a Microkernel Approach to Host Networking by Michael Marty et al. SIGOPS 2019

Classifying the Branching Degrees in the Medvedev Lattice of Pi01 classes, by Christopher Alfeld. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, Volume 49, Issue 3, 2008, pp. 227-243.

Non-Branching Degrees in the Medvedev Lattice of Pi01 Classes, by Christopher Alfeld. JSL, 72, 1, pp. 81-97, 2006.

A Solver for the Network Testbed Mapping Problem, by Robert Ricci, Chris Alfeld, and Jay Lepreau. SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review 33(2), issue dated April 2003.


To Branch or Not To Branch: Branching and Non-Branching in the Medvedev Lattice of Pi01 Classes, by Christopher P. Alfeld. Most of the content of this thesis is contained in the branching and non-branching papers above.