
What kind of things do we do?

The NZCF is an adventure based youth leadership organisation.

So we try to take our cadets on adventures and experiences that put them in situations they wouldnt normally experience.

Our primary focus is in the name, Sea Cadets, anything involving the sea is our forte.

Sailing, kayaking, rowing, power boating you name it we have probably done it.

We also do firearms safety, drill, public speaking, leadership and many others. 

Our main training revolves around sailing as this gives our cadets an environment that has a certain level of risk and respoinsibility where they learn new skills and provides them the opportunity to step up and lead a crew.

As the cadets become more comfortable with their responisbilities and role they become pivitol to exercises and training. Along with that is larger opportunities to go away on courses and experiences with our parent service the Royal New Zealand Navy and other parts of the NZDF/NZCF.