Google for Educators

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Google for Educators

Classroom Lessons and Resources for teachers to use in the classroom. Developed by Google Certified Teachers and used in the classroom.

Teaching with technology is exciting, especially with Google. Learn about tools and activities you can use in your classroom for all subjects and to develop 21st Century Learning Skills.

A presentation on Google Docs introducing collaboration and more resources.

Quick Video Clips

Learn about how other educators and students

are using Google Apps in their schools quickly

by watching these

short (1:30 - 10:00) video clips.

View Clips.....

Teachers are Special

Network with teachers globally on Google topics for the classroom and teaching techniques.

The Google Teacher Academy is a FREE professional development experience designed to help primary and secondary educators from around the globe get the most from innovative technologies.

From search games to presentations on how to use Docs & Spreadsheets with your students, here you can find real-world examples of innovative ways that teachers and librarians are using Google tools to help students learn. In coming months, we'll be posting many more of these examples, so be sure to check this page frequently.

Teacher Tools

Google Earth Help provides information on using Google Earth and lesson plans for the novice and more experience teacher. A Google Earth Quick Reference in PDF is in the attachment section below.

Collaboration is a 21st Century Learning Skill. Using Google Docs it enhances collaboration for the teachers and students. Use this link to demonstrate to users or parents not currently using Google.

Web 2.0 technology in the classroom provides many free tools and other creative options not available previously. This document provides ideas for teachers in a variety of different teaching environments.