
World Language Modes

The BVSD World Languages department uses three modes to assess students' progress. The final goal is communication, and the desire for exact grammar is less important than getting a message across.

Interpretive Mode: One way communication using listening or reading skills. Can the student understand what is said or read?

Interpersonal Mode: Two-way spontaneous communication requiring students to use the vocabulary and listening and speaking skills to keep a conversation going.

Presentational Mode: Practiced spoken or written presentations that students have prepared ahead of time.

**These modes are used throughout a unit of study and can be used for formative or summative assessments.



The amount of homework students have will depend on the topics we are practicing in class. Daily practice at home will help tremendously--students should speak to anyone who will listen! Daily homework will be accepted one day late, for a reduced grade. Projects turned in late will affect your work ethic grade.


  • Academic Honesty: You will receive a zero for cheating or copying of any kind and an email home to parents. Honesty is important.
  • Assignments will be given in each of the following areas and will be weighted based on whether an assignment is a practice or a demonstration of proficiency.
  • Each course outline has the specifics on grading categories