Switching instruments...

Post date: Aug 26, 2015 1:47:38 PM

Now and then I get students interested in trying new instruments in band and orchestra. Few things cause me more worry! I've been teaching for a while now, and I am sad to report that the success rate for students who switch instruments, especially from 5th to 6th grade, is only around 50%. There are a few instances when a student finds her/his "calling" and needs to switch. But, just because one instrument is "hard" does NOT mean another one will be "easier."

Some switches are natural. The sax family is fairly mobile within itself. Trumpets moving to French horn can work well.

Some are downright challenging. Moving from cello one year to trumpet the next is a setup for frustration. Additionally, the ensemble will not benefit from a beginner in an experienced class.

As one who made the switch from trumpet to tuba many years ago, and as a music teacher I can offer the following advise. Your private teacher may have other advise.

Mr. Johnson's Advise for Switching Instruments:

1. Consult with your teacher, parent, and/or private teacher BEFORE making the switch or purchasing something new.

2. Wait until high school to consider doubling instruments.

3. Seek private instruction. This is often the way to success.

4. Be prepared to work and practice TWICE AS HARD!

5. Don't do it. Master your primary instrument.

6. There are times when a switch is right. But see bullet #1.

The bottom line is that I want my students to be successful and seek excellence in music!