Parent Information

Ride to school contest


Here are the supplies you will need to start the year:

2017-18 FW 3rd Grade Supply List

General Supply List

* 6 durable plastic pocket folders

blue, green, red, orange, yellow, & purple, if possible

* 1 box of #2 pencils (12 pack – will need to be replenished)

* erasers

* 1 soft pencil case (please, NO hard cases)

* 1 pack of 24 crayons and/or colored pencils

* 4 thick black dry erase markers

* 1 pair of scissors

* old sock or dry board eraser

* 3 packs of 3”x3” sticky notes

* 2 highlighters

* 6 thick glue sticks

* 4 marble notebooks

* 1 hand-held pencil sharpener (collects shavings)

* inexpensive headphones or earbuds

* Health Folder to remain in Health until the end of the marking period

Please note:

Some of these items may need to be replenished through the school year.

Please do not bring trapper keepers. You will not need them for third grade, and you will not have room for them in your desk 