3rd six weeks

Due on Monday 11/15/21

Paul Klee "Dramatic Landscape" 1928

Draw and SHADE the artwork above in at least a 5x7 size or 1/2 a page... ... Make sure that you include the Title, artist name, and the year. AND the information provided.

Then answer the following question on the google form or in your sketchbook :

●List all Elements of ART you can see and explain.

Due on Monday 11/15/21

Paul Klee “Senecio” 1922

(Abstract Expressionism)

Draw and SHADE the artwork above in at least a 5x7 size or 1/2 a page... ... Make sure that you include the Title, artist name, and the year. AND the information provided.

Then answer the following question on the google form or in your sketchbook :

●List all Elements of ART you can see and explain.